
The University of Ghana, the oldest and largest of the six public universities in Ghana, began in 1948 as an affiliate College of the University of London and in 1961, was granted degree-awarding status by an Act of Parliament. With a mission to develop world-class human resources to meet global development challenges, the University offers unique courses in the arts, business, physical and biological sciences, law, agriculture, nuclear and allied sciences, and engineering sciences. Within our College of Health Sciences, we also offer courses in medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, and allied health sciences. At the College of Agriculture, courses are offered in crop and soil science, animal science, home science, agribusiness and agricultural economics. We continue to approve new and revised programmes and courses to enrich our curriculum. Through our research institutes and other centres of learning and research, our faculty members are involved in studies that support policy making for national development, often in collaboration with other international institutes. The University is working on encouraging more multidisciplinary research in order to address the development needs of Ghana, and at the continental and global level. There are currently a number of Ghanaian and international institutions that hold affiliation with the university.